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Guatemalteco Archives - Gypset Magazine
The Journey of Ishto Juevez.

The Journey of Ishto Juevez.

One of the great artist that performed on stage along with Gaby Moreno and David Garza was Ishto Juevez, which not to mention is translated into Kid Thursday in his home country Guatemala. It is his first visit to the United States and he took the stage full of energy alongside the great artists. “ I am learning to adjust into the flux of the universe and accepting / believing it’s all happening symbolically into my life for a...

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Equis de Mauricio Pichardo Se presentara del 14 al 30 de Noviembre.

Equis de Mauricio Pichardo Se presentara del 14 al 30 de Noviembre.

E Q U I S de Mauricio Pichardo Nirvana Productions y The complex Theatre invitan a la presentación especial de la obra de Teatro EQUIS en Hollywood. ACERCA DE EQUIS: Del dramaturgo mexicano Mauricio Pichardo y dirigida por Jorge Duran es una obra de teatro que relata la vida en unión libre de 2 parejas de la llamada generación equis. Una tragicomedia que funciona de espejo para el espectador ya que se toca el tema de la problemática...

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