Have you suspected that far more is possible than passively waiting for (and barely remembering) your dreams?
Unlock the power of your dreams and discover a world filled with connection, magic and synchronicity.
For centuries around the world, shamans have practiced a more powerful, valuable and fascinating approach to dreaming — seeing it as a time for transformation, healing and receiving guidance from the multi-dimensions of reality.
These wise healers see dreaming as a way to access your authentic “heart wisdom” — your innate knowing about exactly what needs attention, nurturance, love and healing in your life. They also see dreaming as a time for profound learning, during which you can travel beyond your personal self to dimensions that transcend time and space.
The healing, transformative powers of shamanic dream practices apply beyond nighttime sleep — they’re also tools for expanding consciousness when you’re awake to create a fuller, richer life.
During this exciting, free online event, you’ll discover core principles and practices for “Active Dreaming” from the creator of this transformative methodology, Robert Moss. Active Dreaming synthesizes ancient shamanic practices with modern dream science and spiritual disciplines from around the world.
Active Dreaming is a way of being fully in this world while maintaining constant contact with the “world-behind-the-world,” where the deeper logic and purpose of our lives are to be found.
Robert is a master dreamwork teacher and the bestselling author of 12 books on the deeper dimensions of how conscious dreaming can enhance the quality of our lives.
During this virtual workshop with him, you’ll discover powerful tools for soul-remembering and healing that can reunite you with the higher knowledge that is already yours… if you’ll only open to it.
During our hour together, you’ll sample practical techniques that access other dimensions of reality to bring energy, guidance and healing into your everyday life.
As you open to these practices and perspectives, you’ll become more alive to the dreamlike play of signs and symbols in the world around you. You’ll become a conscious time traveler and a true co-creator of the reality you inhabit.
Robert Moss