In Defense of Animals is hosting a protest in Santa Monica today at 12 – 2 p.m. to hold Fair Oaks farms, which produces milk for the Coca-Cola owned brand “Fairlife,” accountable for its horrific treatment of animals.
An undercover investigation released last week by Animal Recovery Mission has prompted retailers to pull Fairlife products from shelves, and sparked concerned citizens to organize protests today in New York, Chicago, Illinois, and Atlanta.
What: Fairlife Corporation/Coca-Cola Protest
When: 12 – 2 p.m. PT
Where: Santa Monica Place mall, 395 Santa Monica Place, meet at the intersection of Broadway and 3rd Street.
Who: Concerned citizens of Los Angeles led by In Defense of Animals, along with Jane UnChained, Los Angeles Animal Save, Earthlings
Photo Opportunity: Concerned citizens pour Coca-Cola onto the ground and lay their bodies in piles to represent piles of dead calves at Fair Oaks farms
Event Details: Facebook event
Housing approximately 30,000 animals, Fair Oaks Farms is one of the largest dairies in the U.S. which doubles as a public theme park, claiming to be a window of transparency into today’s industrial animal farming practices. Yet, a three-month undercover investigation of its facilities shows baby calves being mercilessly beaten, kicked in the head, and burned, in addition to numerous piles of dead baby calves which are routinely hidden from public view.
After the footage was posted on Tuesday, June 4, and received fierce backlash from hundreds of commenters, food markets and convenience stores — including Jewel-Osco (Chicago’s largest grocery store chain), Tony’s Fresh, Casey’s and Family Express — began removing Fairlife products from dairy fridges.
Most dairy brands make grand animal welfare claims, but the Fairlife brand is entirely built on selling a vision of “happy cows” at a premium price. Fairlife conveniently omits the fact that the entire dairy business model depends on institutional animal abuse such as artificially impregnating cows to force lactation, separating them from their babies mere hours after giving birth, and killing surplus males and females who are of no financial value.
In Defense of Animals President Marilyn Kroplick, M.D. said, “Animal suffering is the foundation of the entire dairy industry, and we are grateful to Animal Recovery Mission for bringing it into public view where there’s nowhere to hide. Please watch the investigation footage and ask yourself if you’re comfortable financially supporting this industry, and consider signing up to our 21-day Dairy-Free Challenge at www.dairyfreechallenge.com.”
Last year, In Defense of Animals filed a complaint of misleading advertising with the Federal Trade Commission which forced Fairlife to cease using its trademarked “grass to glass” slogan since animals in its facilities do not have access to pasture, are fed an artificial diet, and are raised in concrete barns. Following Animal Recovery Mission’s investigation, In Defense of Animals will consider filing a second complaint to the Federal Trade Commission to challenge the horrific irony of the brand name itself “Fairlife.
For more information on In Defense of Animals’ June 10 Fairlife protest in Los Angeles, please see the Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/365399437663390/
Protests are also scheduled in Chicago, New York City, Atlanta, and Illinois.
Watch the official Animal Recovery Mission video here: https://youtu.be/_quX1acHGks
In Defense of Animals is an international animal protection organization with over 250,000 supporters and a 30-year history of fighting for animals, people and the environment through education, campaigns and hands-on rescue facilities in India, South Korea and rural Mississippi. www.idausa.org
IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS • 3010 KERNER BLVD. • SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901 • 415-448-0048